Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

Did you miss me?:) I can't believe it has been over a month since the last time I wrote on this blog. I have truly missed it! I just found it so hard to write while I was in the US - too busy!!! Like I have mentioned before - I am not a natural writer so it takes me a WHILE to spit out all my thoughts. But well worth it to keep track of our travels (and your comments and positive feedback keep me going so THANK YOU)!:)

What a whirlwind - I have been in the US for exactly one month and it has felt like an eternity since I arrived AND that it has gone by in the blink of an eye - all at the same time! Has that ever happened to you? I miss Nathan terribly (I'm not just saying that to be cheesy). :) It has been really hard to be away from my husband for 30 days and I told him it will NEVER happen again. That part has been the eternity. The rest of it - family vacation, working at Swagger, Market, visiting with friends - went by so fast. I don't even feel like I got to see anybody. Where did the days go? I wanted to start crying when I hugged my Dad goodbye this morning b/c I hadn't even see him in the last two weeks more than 10 minutes before I went to sleep. I kind of knew that would be the case though so I really did try to cherish every moment. Sounds kind of sappy I know - but I think sometimes we just get set on auto pilot and go through the motions every day. Moving to Zurich has made me appreciate the everyday beauty of my routine life as much as the fantastic trips and new experiences. Is this just happening b/c I'm getting older? And more sentimental? Hmmmmm.

Anyway, as I sit here in Toronto - BY MYSELF - during my SIX HOUR layover with NO PHONE- I want to kiss whoever decided to have free Wi-Fi in the airport! THANK YOU important Toronto Airport people who make the decisions - you ROCK! I wanted to Skype Swagger but I decided that might be a bad I idea - I am already carrying a baby doll for a friend (I didn't want her to get squished or decapitated in my luggage) so people are already staring at me - talking to my computer screen MIGHT have made someone call security!:) I also thought that maybe I needed some time to reflect - I have seriously either been with someone or on my phone for every second since I have been here! (I just checked my Verizon Wireless minutes and I have spoken over 1000 minutes in the last 4 weeks!) Which is probably another reason I haven't been writing this blog!:)

Ooooh - they just called my flight! Talk to you tomorrow - I promise!
love, me

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