So I know what you are thinking - THE WHAT?!?! Yes, the Deep Fried Ambassador. And I think I would qualify. My family and I have eaten EVERY deep fried item found at the NC State Fair!
Hmmmm. My niece pondering. What can we eat next...
But we don't stop there. We eat everything else too. And we check out the competitions, livestock, Village of Yesteryear, the rides (LOVE the rides), games - we've even purchased a bunch of stuff from the Commercial and Education Building booths (you know - the stuff that basically looks like it should be on an infomercial)! We leave no rock unturned - deep fried or not.
We love the candy apples!
I'm even cutting a vacation to Greece short to attend the NC State Fair with my family this year. GREECE people! Yeah - Nathan isn't thrilled with this decision, but strangely he understands my obsession with the fair! The NC State Fair is good old fashioned family bonding FUN! My sisters and their 5 children even travel in from other states to go to the fair! We are a Fair Junkie Family!
Do we look like we can rock the State Fair - or what?!?!
OKAY - what's my point here. I want to be the Deep Fried Ambassador to the NC State Fair (yes this is a real (really awesome) title bestowed upon one lucky person), but I CAN'T :( . I can't because I don't arrive back from our trip to Greece until October 14th and the Deep Fried Ambassador's official duties start on October 11th. *sigh*
So I'm telling all of you guys about it so maybe one of you bloggers out there will get the title and possibly let me tag along one day. I even promise to carry your winnings, hold your fried food, kiss a carnie (okay - not really) - but you get the point! I NEED one of my friends to WIN THE TITLE of DEEP FRIED AMBASSADOR!
If you are interested (and why wouldn't you be?), here is the link to the NC State Fair Deep Fried Blog post where you can get all the details. And if you win, will you put in a good word for me for next year?! I would appreciate it!
Long live the NC STATE FAIR and fried food!:)

p.s. - You can even "like" the NC State Fair on Facebook! Heck yeah!
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